

Highway Wilding provides solutions that help reduce conflicts between transportation corridors, wildlife conservation, and large-scale landscape connectivity. Our goal is to gather the essential scientific information and to develop the appropriate tools to address current and future ecosystem management priorities as they relate to maintaining landscape-scale connectivity across transportation corridors and changing climates.


Highway Wilding builds on Parks Canada's multi-decade leadership in road ecology, and is an innovative partnership between Parks Canada, the Western Transportation Institute, Miistakis Institute, Wilburforce Foundation and Woodcock Foundation. For more information on the partners, please click here.


This website is the "go-to" source for information on the effects of highways on wildlife populations and the effectiveness of Parks Canada's highway mitigation measures on the Trans-Canada Highway in Banff National Park, and beyond. It contains information for transportation planners, wildlife researchers, decision-makers and the general public.


The Highway Wilding collaborative project was completed in 2013. This website serves as an archive of the project.

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